Still of Cecilia Pillado, Josefine Preuss and Jörg Pose in “Lotta & die großen Erwartungen”, © ZDF/ Britta Krehl
Stage (selection)
Ballhaus Ost Berlin: |
“The Government Inspector” (Nikolai Gogol) | Mother Anna |
Theater Haus Mitte, Berlin: |
“The desirable actor” (A project of Theatre Group Lokomotion Berlin) | Medea |
“The history of Tango” |
(Musical Theatre) Own production and artistic direction. Shown in Berlin and different places in Germany and Italy |
Independent Latin-American Theatre Berlin: |
 Still of Cecilia Pillado and Helmut Krauss in “Der Gründer”, © Eric Hordes |
“Blood Wedding” (F. García Lorca) | Bride |
“Lulu” (Frank Wedekind) | Lulu |
“To Find Oneself” (L. Pirandello) | Donata |
“A Three-Penny Opera” (B. Brecht) | Polly |
Goethe Institut Theatre Company, Mendoza, Argentina: |
“The House of Bernarda Alba” (F. García Lorca) | Adela |
“Cecč” (L. Pirandello) | Nada |
“Three Sisters” (Anton Chekov) | Irina |
“Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” (T. Williams) | Margaret |
“Mirandolina, the Housekeeper” (C. Goldoni) | Mirandolina |
“The Coffee House” (Carlo Goldoni) | Lisaura |
 Cecilia Pillado Photo: Max Conrad
THE STUDIO, Inc. (Los Angeles): |
Preparing for the International Market |
Marcus Jung |
Empower Yourself |
Petra Gallasch |
Acting for Film I and II |
M.K. Lewis, L.A. / Acting Studio, Berlin |
Improvisational theatre |
after Keith Johnstone |
On-Camera Casting Workshop |
Nancy Bishop (International Casting Director, Los Angeles, Prague) |
Career Marketing for Actors |
German coacher Karin Kleibel (Berlin) |
International Film School, Cologne, Germany: |
Cold Reading |
Margie Harber, Los Angeles, USA |
Professional Class |
M.K. Lewis, Los Angeles, USA |
Coaching Company Berlin |
Advanced Camera Acting |
Filmfarm Kotla, Polen: |
Actors-Directors-Workshops |
Mark Travis, Los Angeles, London |
Hollywood Acting Workshop II, Los Angeles, USA, and |
Hollywood Acting Workshop I, Los Angeles, USA: |
Camera Technique I and II |
M. K. Lewis, Los Angeles, USA |
Scene Interpretation |
Cherolyn Franklin, Mike Fenton |
Film Breakthrough |
Rae Allen |
Method Acting / Sense Memory |
Petra Gallasch |
Image Design |
Sam Christensen |
Voice Training / Singing |
Steven Memel |
Acting |
Emilio Schechtman University of the Arts Berlin Gladys Ravalle, Mendoza, Argentina |
Spanish and Italian (native tongues) German (near native) English (near native) fluent French Portuguese (basic)
Special Skills
Solo Pianist, with studies at the University of the Arts Berlin; 3 released CDs Singing (tango, musical, jazz, operistic) Dancing (tango argentino, flamenco) Sports: golf, horse riding